Thursday, July 23, 2009

Quiz: Islam or Mormonism?

  • Their first prophet practiced and approved of polygamy
  • Their first prophet was married to at least one girl under the age of 18
  • Their first prophet was supposed to have been uneducated and not knowledgeable enough to have written their “holy” book
  • Their first prophet supposedly had an angel appear to him who told him of their “holy” book
  • Their first prophet is highly praised and exalted
  • After the death of their first prophet the religion had a division on who to follow
  • Their “holy” book praises Jesus as well as others in the Bible
  • Their religion claims their prophet was prophesied about in the Bible
  • Their religion claims that the Bible is the Word of God but that it has been corrupted
  • Their religion claims to have brought a restoration of the truth
  • Their religion claims works of righteousness are required to be right with their god
  • Their religion denies the eternality of the divinity of Jesus

Answer: Both

“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” -Ecclesiastes 1:9

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